Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Wow. Smart and funny.

Other good reading:
Erinn and Higgs coastal hike
Eric Parsons and Dylan Kentch upcoming coastal bike
Riding the Spine

Vik's Big Dummy Blog
Alex Wetmore


Ari said...

Will we meet again at TIV5 in '09?

Unknown said...

Refilling laptop batteries!
The Li-ion battery charger in my IBM Thinkpad X31 laptop has been getting a bit long in the tooth. Rated at a 4.4 AH capacity new, /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info told me that it was only holding 1.8 AH now that it was a few years old. (This is normal for Li-Ion batteries, which degrade over time, even without multiple charge-discharge cycles.)